In the future If by some miracle You find yourself in the position to fall in love again Fall in love with me... Paulo Coelho once said that; So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you... So, I hope you would understand it when I am stuck cause I lost you. Everything was aligned, the first time you walked in, in your grey pants and that smile that made me fall for you. And how my heaven was my moments with you... When we held hands on our way home, when we shared earphones together and I still crave for such moments again. A cold evening and it's just us at the back of the vehicle, holding hands, listening to pink sweats and the world seeming to slow down for us to savour every moment of it. But all that's gone. So I walk listening to pink sweats but he is the reminder of everything I lost and I started disliking his music. But he is not at fault but maybe the fault is to be found within myself. Maybe if I chose to take the ste...