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Dear Lover, 

Oh to love and to be loved. What a fleeting feeling. There's a clip of this guy saying that Romance is like Rizq and not everyone will experience it and I can't help but agree with him. You see, love has always been something everyone sought and wished for but a few get to find it and even fewer get to experience it. 

To change who you are to accommodate someone you love is a price most people cannot pay. We are egotistical creatures and our pride cannot let us stop being who we are just so that we can be truly happy. Funny how we are our own limit to the joy and happiness that we so desperately seek. 

I believe that love means changing the minute tendencies that we have grown accustomed to and starting new habits that will accommodate those that we love. You see, I seem to enjoy slow music but if my partner, the lady whom I have decided to try love with loves groovy music then I'd have to slowly start listening to the genre. 

If we are honest, I might never like the music but I'd learn to love the vibe it brings to the relationship. Maybe the groovy music is what she needs to listen to as she does her chores and if we are doing the dishes together then I'll look forward to experiencing her dance or hum as she works. Maybe my slow music is what we would look forward to as I play with her hair or maybe it would play as we gossip. Nonetheless, what we love could be accommodated in the relationship and we would grow to love each other even more as we look forward to the adventure of what we have so desperately tried to hide from the world, our closeted desires, wants, and likes. We would be open to each other and love would be truly what it was meant to be... the nakedness of two beings and the comfort of being accepted for we are!

I truly believe that love is very simple but also very hard as it is a battle with self and how far we can go for those we love. 

The question is, are you willing to change for her or him or would you rather continue chasing love with the hope that your ego won't be affected? 




  1. "...To change who you are to accommodate someone you love is a price most people cannot pay..." That part got me thinking

  2. This is so beautiful ❤️


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