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He starts,

“People don’t realize how often men are experiencing a lack of intimacy and the only place that they can experience that intimacy is through sex. Men who say sex is the only thing they are not getting are actually struggling with a lack of companionship, of intimacy, of being in a space with a person they share what humans need to feel. And I hope we get to a point where men say they didn’t need the sex, they needed to be held and we live in a society where its hard to be held unless we are having sex. Can’t we just talk? Can’t we just ask to be held and if we have a few more vulnerable conversations then we will get to a place where its not just sex or no sex but people actually saying we are actually full human beings who require a full spectrum of affection and affections towards us. Maybe men need to be allowed to express and enjoy intimacy despite and aside from sex!”


Dearly Beloved,

I got blessed with a lot of content and I have a lot to write but I have been very lazy. I keep on procrastinating and I have wasted loads of time but we still have time so I will write. I already beat myself up for it and its time I pick up my ingredients and start cooking. I’d like to hope you have been well from the last I wrote.

Never had to work for love

Don't need you to show me how

Don't want to be falling in

When I'm falling out

Didn't think I'd give for love

Every time I hold it back

Now there’s lust in my head

I'm tryna find who I am


Close familiarity or friendship is how Google defines Intimacy as. But I have a close familiarity or friendship with a couple of folks but I cannot say that I am intimate with any of them. So, it begs the question, what is Intimacy? I tend to think I am the easiest book to read and I am often vocal about who I am and what I like but still, I think no one truly knows me. I think they know some aspects of me but that doesn’t define who I am. There are levels to intimacy and I think I have crossed this bridge with most people; Physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and experiential but regardless of me marking all these boxes I still do not have a single person who I can say I am truly intimate with.

I do not have a person whom I can call in the middle of the night and talk about some concepts I got while eating and how they seem to affect my view of life without necessarily wondering if I would also shutter their concept of what transient life is. Get someone whom I can give a long hug and get to be held and talk about my fears and how fast life seems to be moving (Hell, it was December just the other day and I was crying to About Time and here I am almost three months into the new year and I haven’t made any relevant moves on my board.)

There's choosers, there's takers

There's beggin' heartbreakers

I don't wanna be that way

You will never hear me say

"Come hold me, console me"

When, really, I'm lonely

Even if I feel this way

I don't wanna feel this way

When I—

Meet someone

I don't want to need no one

I'm not tryna let you in

Even if I've found the one


So rather than screaming for help and crying about it; I choose to stretch out my arm to whoever will be willing to share their fears. To whoever will need a shoulder to lean on. To whoever will need an ear in the middle of the night and share their problems. To whoever will have a need for intimacy and not worry that I will build castles about who we are. To whoever… to whoever…

I have this recurring fear about making the wrong choice with the woman I pick as she will be someone I’ll spend most of my life with. If I make a bad choice I will get to live with it. I do not believe in separation or divorce, so rather than risk it I’d rather live without it. But again, if I chose solitude who would continue my legacy or rather my story. Would I live with the thought that I have burdened my sibling to carry the weight of ensuring our family names remains in the registry.

Never had to wait for love

Always thought it'd come around

You come for me

But I'm nowhere to be found

Cancellations for conversations

I don't need right now

I'm afraid of these relations

I can't be tied down


I am afraid of needing someone. Need is not a weakness but it can be a weakness with the wrong person. I do not have a concept for money so I cannot say it’s a need whilst relating with people but emotionally I am afraid of needing anyone. I view the world as a cycle of the same issues and they just happen to upgrade to something that seems different but in all reality it’s the same old problem you had whilst growing up. So, I do not find a need to burden anyone with my emotional turmoil. Or maybe I walk through life hoping to find myself or rather a person who is willing to stretch their arm the same way. Or maybe I need to find me within myself.

People seem to already be burdened by their problems, so isn’t me adding mine to yours seem like an injustice. But this kind of thinking is wrong since if I followed this train of thought then I would sink in my own problems and I wouldn’t get the chance to see my peers confused by what I just told them then laugh and say I was kidding. It’s how much they will say they want to be there but when you open that door and they view the other side and remain speechless, that often feels like a waste.

There's choosers, there's takers

There's beggin' heartbreakers

I don't wanna be that way

I don't wanna feel this way

When I—

Meet someone

I don't wanna need no one

I'm not tryna let you in

Even if I've found the one


Life seems like one big joke. It can be what I want of it. If I choose to be intimate with anyone then its possible but then how do I know that they will not misinterpret my intentions? How can I simply want to achieve an intimate relationship without the other character “catching feelings” and having these superficial fantasies that we are meant to be.

I try to achieve intimacy through conversation but I seemingly fail every time, then things escalate and I need to have that uncomfortable talk. That sucks most of the time since it always feels as though I am breaking hearts and that is not an intention I had. But does it really matter what intentions you had when you break someone’s heart? Surely by now you should see how life is a big dull joke and no one is laughing.

So, what happens when I find the one? Will I let myself be vulnerable or will I worry that I might “break them”? Will I be misunderstood or will I have to explain why I am close to half the world but it is not sexual, I am simply intimate with all of them as that’s how I would like the world to be, a place where we are not afraid to be intimate. A world where we share love and care.

Maybe I will die after achieving this. I just wish I will have a woman by my side who will never misunderstand my intentions. Well, wishing will not get me anywhere, let me see what the future holds for me.

I don't wanna be that way

I don't wanna feel this way

When I—

Meet someone

I don't wanna need no one

I'm not tryna let you in

Even if I've found the one

Love Yours,




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