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Chères Filles,

I am a man! Or maybe on the way to becoming one but I have my pants on and the shirt kinda fits. The shoes are still big and I am yet to fill them but I believe I will at some point. I am still searching for the perfect cardigan to go with the outfit of the perfect man in my head. But the evolving man or rather the evolving boy that I am happens to be a son, a brother to one girl who is always on my neck about things like cologne (I still think my choice is better!), and also a friend.

I was graced with a cute face or so I hear (PS. My grandmother said so, hence all other opinions saying otherwise are false) and I have been surrounded by girls since I was young. I think girls walk around with cuteness in their pockets but I just happen to be walking among them. (This is funny). I always enjoy their company. I’ve spent maybe 75% of my current age with them but I am yet to figure them out. Girls or rather women are easy to understand but also very hard to interpret what you have understood about them.

I thought having a sister would make the study of women easy but it became all the more difficult. They are loveable on some days and also annoying on others but still loveable so it’s a paradox. But above all else, they deserve all the love and care in the world. What breaks my heart is what moves their hearts. BOYFRIENDS!!!!

Boyfriends, they think you're so easy

They take you for granted

They don't know, they're just misunderstanding


You, you're back at it again

Not like us or rather not like me, women are not governed by facts and logic or maybe the ones I have met don’t flow this way. They are moved by emotion and since emotional manipulation is a default skill most men have, they become easy prey for the worst of us.

Weakened, when you get deep in

He starts secretly drinking

It gets hard to know what he's thinking

I’ve watched a few of them crying while still convinced that this guy who made her cry by being toxic and manipulative will change for her. But what amazes me is the skill these guys have. How they know how to tune the strings in these women’s hearts to play the melody they desire. How blinded these women are to these toxic pipers as they dance away to their empty promises and romantic ambiguities that just make the rabbit hole run deeper.


Love a fool who knows just how to get under your skin


You, you still open the door

No matter all the sense and signs I show them they still open their hearts to these guys and they are swept away by the sudden change they see and finally, they are back ashore… broken again. I sound like a snitch but at this point, this truly breaks my heart. Why can’t they read the signs? What’s this urge to change these men? Why do they want to be heroes to people who don’t want saving?

You're no closer to him

Now you're halfway home

Only calling you when

He don't wanna be alone

Oh, and you go

Why? You don't know

I hate it when men do this. I know it’s not men alone but I am crucifying men today. “Hey, you” is probably how it starts. “Can you come over? I’ve missed you” is maybe how they follow up. And now the girl is all giddy thinking this guy has been thinking about her but maybe, just maybe she was his seventh trial and she goes running.  He fills her head with all this opacity and she daydreams of how she will spend all her life with this guy. Sad… I know. But it’s the reality of a lot of us.

Boyfriends, are they just pretending?

They don't tell you where it's heading

And you know the game's never-ending


You lay with him as you stay in the daydream


Feel a fool, you're back at it again

I know that not all guys are the same. SOME of us are good but the bad somehow supersedes the good in this world. Therefore, the bad has more power. When a woman finally breaks she generalizes that all men are evil. She is correct in her own right but the SOME get to suffer for it too. We get to be crucified and no matter what we do to prove them wrong they are reminded of how much they were manipulated by the piper and their hearts are protected by hate and disgust and the sweet guys suffer even more.

I have a sister and I am seriously afraid. I will not spend every second of every day with her and I am afraid that she can meet these well-taught manipulators with their golden tongues and maybe hurt her. I live in a world where heartbreak is a rite of passage and I seriously don’t think it should be.

I wish to have daughters at some point in my life but how do you even protect them from such terrors. They walk among us. It is very easy to manipulate girls once you have figured out what makes them move but like predators, to prey, we live for the hunt and throw away the toy once we are satisfied. It sickens me that there is a probability that it can happen to my family and no matter how minuscule it is, it still breaks my heart.

I hate that I get to live in a world where I know my sister, my friend, and my daughter can easily fall for this allure and that I can’t do anything for them but just be there and offer a shoulder… if they are willing to take it. I hope they will have persons close to their hearts who will fill the void and tell them not to hate all men.

No amount of words can make anyone change if they aren’t willing to; so maybe my parting words will be, “be there for your friends, be there for your family, don’t blame them when they go back to that toxic relationship, be patient and hope they finally get to be okay at some point.”



For some reason, this month is moving pretty fast. I hope we are okay or trying to be. I am still taking coffee and maybe that’s a bad idea since I need to sleep. Peace, Love, and listen to Harry Styles…. He has hidden gems in all his albums. I’ll leave you to find yours.





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