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Dear Marriage,

You should know

If I could write you a love song

It would go on and on and on and on

‘Cause I see forever in your arms

So, keep on holding on and on and on and on and on

Marriage, I am both excited and afraid of this passage. I think in as much as we like marriage, we should also hope that marriage would like us back. If the marriage doesn’t like you then it's pretty bad, but if it does then marriage is sweet, or so I have been told and imagined, well mostly imagined.

I genuinely cannot wait for wife privilege, (wife privilege na this weather would really slap walai, lakini mlisema wishes sio horses ama hiyo proverb ilikuwa aje). Man, my teacher of English (enhee, jeshi ya English teacher) would really be disappointed. (I am spiraling again)

In less than 12 hours, one of my boys is getting married. I think he knew and the weather favors him a lot, but the one thing I love about the whole thing is I have looked at them and they like each other. I have used like rather than love because we all have our definition of love but I know it when people like each other; this sense becomes useless when others like me (Is there anyone lakini… saying this makes it very sad, lakini I am good person, anzeni kuniona folks, send them my way hata, mention me in your prayers) – why is this funny.

But, my boy is getting married, and I am excited that they like each other. I think most of them don’t like their partners and sometimes it shows, lakini that’s a whole other goliath to tackle and it so happens that the only stones I have, have turned to bows and harps that sing about love.

I hate how marriages in Kenya don’t involve heartfelt vows though or maybe ni marriages in my area. I wonder what my boy would tell his woman;

I’ve been feeling that

I've found something real

The thought of you fills me with

A warmth I've never known

Then she would start tearing up and her bridesmaid would be freaking out because the tears might spoil the mascara ama ndio eye liner… then she would take a deep breathe and say;

Hold my heart til' it grows old

Hold my heart til' it grows old

Our love stays the same

Through time's endless change

I promise from now til' death

You'll never be alone

I think at this point, I would be asking for tissues to try and wipe the dust off my eyes. At that moment when their eyes would meet, they would both know in their hearts that this is one of those rare good decisions that they get to make in life. I think most of us would actually believe in love when we see this. Well, it will be grander in person and I hope I get to see through the whole ceremony.

I wonder how both of them feel right in this instance. They could be asleep, or maybe they have butterflies and are so restless and would like a fast forward to the 16th, I know I would. Or maybe they are really peaceful with how great things have turned out, I might not have been in their shoes, but I think they are at peace. They are a jovial pair or maybe I see them that way, the world really did produce a good pair.

I would like this, you know, to marry someone I like and they are also sure they like me;

I finally get to fall for someone

Who has fallen for me

I would cherish every lifelong second

I am with them

I would also like to have my own moment and maybe say;

Say you'll love me

Say you'll hold me

Through the stormy weather

We'll be together, always

Then some guys would cringe at the back but I would mean every word and I know she would mean whatever it is she would say. I really have dreams about this day and it’s getting late; I need to sleep and maybe dream some more about this.

So, Congratulations, Ann and Victor; I pray for love to grow more till your hearts grow old, then add some more. Naweza kuwa sijui the whole story lakini I hope my boy doesn’t stutter on this day.





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