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Dear Lectiophile, 

I wanna burn in the fire below

I wanna dance with the devil you know

take me to heaven and don’t let me go

I am the king of a tragedy

Do you suffer from a need of wanting to be perfect and not make errors but for some reason errors seem to be part and parcel of who you are? Errors seem to become a sort of identity, (aaah yule kijana huwa anamake errors kila time)

I hate the fact that small tragedies have become a normal thing for me; I always want to ensure that the loved ones around me get to have a great time but I find some way to make them not to and I really do not have control over it or maybe I do and I haven’t figured it out yet.

I keep losing all my virtues ’

I’m a magnet to your pain

Waking up to hear the siren


Do you feel the urge to just leave people as they are because you feel as though your absence would be more of a reward to them? They would have an easier time if you were out of the picture. They would laugh more, have fun more, talk more and not feel pressured. You want to make things better but they end up being worse and now you are worrying if that is part of who you are; a man who makes things worse… a king of tragedy!!!

The need to plan things out then watch things unfold in a manner you never planned and then those words spoken by some old geezer seem real, “Plans are made to fail”. I really need one of them to work out but they never do and now you start losing meaning in life; What is the essence of planning if the plan will always fail and backfire on you? What more is a man who cannot make a plan that works!!

I wanna surrender and sacrifice

the fear that I feel when I look in your eyes

Please take me to heaven before I die

I am the king of a tragedy

king of a tragedy

So the only solution is to walk through life without a plan and see what fate or destiny has in store for you. If you are a Christian then Jeremiah 29:11 becomes your portion (Can I get a hallelujah). It’s not a good way of coursing through this journey called life but I think a man can be stretched for so long before he breaks and becomes a walking carcass and finally or maybe (a very hard maybe) life decides to smile on him; may life smile my way…

However, life also blesses you with Isak Danielson and your mornings are grand and your afternoons are sad but your nights will have poetry and this cycle is the manifestation of art. This cycle seems to make things easier and happier. You seem to get more joy from books than the company of men. Your thoughts become a safe space and your imagination makes your bubble even more beautiful. Forgetting reality and being high on the you in your head because he seems to do everything right.

I wanna burn in the fire below

I wanna dance with the devil you know

Take me to heaven and don’t let me go

I am the king of a tragedy

king of a tragedy

I hope not many of you have failed plans but if you do; then breathe and maybe try to love yourself a little bit more and try to not beat yourselves up.

Breathe and love always…


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