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 “You are not where you want to be

You feel like you are supposed to be somewhere else”

“You said it”

“Well, say you could snap your fingers

And be wherever you wanted to be

I bet you would still feel this way.

Not in the right place”

“Point is, you cannot get so hung up on where you’d rather be

That you forget how to make the most of where you are”

“What are you telling me?”

“Take a break from worrying about what you cannot control

And live a little”

Dear Stranger, 

Do you ever feel as though you’ve hit a wall and cannot progress? You have this clear picture of who you are supposed to be but you don’t have an idea of how you will get there. You spend time building castles and making promises to yourself that you seem to not meet and now you walk around having broken your own heart with your ambitious expectations. The question is who do you cry to when you break your heart? 

Does it ever piss you off how some people seem to have it easy but the truth is you didn’t see them working hard and they chose to show you a highlight of their sweet moment, their sweet victory. The problem with most of us is believing that the construct that we call time is money. The truth is time is not money, it never was and it never will be. Living a life caged in this mentality makes you a slave to pain when you don’t spend “time as you should”.

We get to spend our time here and the saddest thing is most of us spend it stressing over every little thing. I once shared a conversation with a certain friend and he said that life is a marathon and that will not change but at the same time nobody is competing with you. Choosing to compete with others not knowing the paths they’ve chosen will lead to more pain when they get their deserved wins and you seem to be stranded and the story ends with you drowning in envy and heartbreak. All our journeys are different and not discerning the paths that are ours will only lead to this sad end.

Time and chance happen to all and maybe your chance is yet to come but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. Don’t compare your chapter three to someone’s chapter ten (Hope the folk at the back understand this). Take your time today and know what chapter you are in. You could be in a chapter where you get to celebrate other people’s wins or maybe in a chapter where you get to learn but that doesn’t mean that your time to enjoy yourself won’t come. 

Let us try and break free from the shackles of stressing over every little thing and beating ourselves up over things that we cannot control. Let us be free and breathe a little. Take a walk, enjoy your time in your own way, and get to live a little. 

Finally, listen to “To build a home by the Cinematic Orchestra”, and yes black coffee and cake are addictive. Or maybe I like unhealthy meals. Peace, love, and live a little. 



  1. Take a break from worrying about what you cannot control 🙌


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