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'Cause you're the reason I believe in fate

You're my paradise

And I'll do anything to be your love, or be your sacrifice

'Cause I love you for infinity


Dear Strangers,

“Just because they don’t love you the way you want to be loved doesn’t mean they don’t love you with everything they have”

I’ve recently gone through an experience that had me question everything I believed in and stood by but I’m slowly growing my faith and patience back.


Have you ever felt like giving your partner the world but then realized that both of you are from two different worlds. Let me explain it for the guys at the back; I don’t believe in that whole ‘we are alike in so many ways’ crap because the natural way of things is unlike poles attract; so your partner should be nothing like you. And yes I am judging those of you who are similar to their partners because that means you are narcissistic people.

We all have different POVs of life and I believe understanding that before committing to anyone will make the process all the more somewhat easier. Now Now, I know that we may see them and want to give them all that we have and also hide choose to hide our ugly sides because we know that they don’t deserve that. But this ‘ugly side’ is very crucial in our current process of how we handle relationships in this generation. We tend to be perfect beings and hide our flaws but these ‘hidden flaws’ find a way to be seen and this builds up insecurities and eventually, we fall apart. Yes, most of our flaws come from a dark place but I believe we should wear them and walk confidently with them so that people can know what to expect and choose to love us regardless.

I love someone and I would like to share my bubble with them but have I taken my time to consider and know what their bubble looks like? Have I taken my time and realized how different they are from me? We tend to date the idea of our partners more than the physical person and this leads to numerous arguments since we are all expecting the ‘normal’ love and that might be impossible for them. Yes, communication helps but have you been with someone who likes dealing with things on their own. This will be challenging for most of our ‘young folks’ because we are busy preaching solitude and independence and eventually lack the knowledge of where to draw the line. I believe in being by ourselves but not alone… (I really hope you’ll understand this)

I believe that before you try to love someone you should take your time and understand how they have lived their lives and how they view the world. We have a lot of broken people and they walk around with a smile. I know you’ve seen this smile but is it really genuine or is it a reflex of pain that has been masked by a smile as a survival skill. The smile that could be lighting up your world could be coming from a place of pain and you might not realize it until it’s too late.

When we finally start viewing life from the eyes of our partners, some of us see the pain and hurt and a lot of emotional baggage and decide to save themselves (And this is okay) But still, what are the odds that you get to stick around and go through the luggage together and finally get to a place and create a new utopia of sorts for each other. I won’t lie this is hard and you will have moments of doubt but I believe that it eventually gets easier.

Finally, peace, love, and is it okay to take black coffee with cake or is it unhealthy? Well, I guess I’ll never know until I try




  1. ‘we are alike in so many ways’ bears one of the most boring relationship's ever... always be open to new experiences, there's much you can learn from people completely different from you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. well, why did it end so soon.... I wanted to go on and on. Great piece right there. "I believe in being by ourselves but not alone…" I loved that part especially


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