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Okay Okay, I know it’s been long lakini hear me out. I have been diagnosed with some communicable disease called ‘procrastinare’ and if you might be knowing the remedy kindly drop it pale chini kwa comments.

Nikita Kering’. That’s the title or maybe I’ll change it. Now she has a new song that I don’t really relate with but still, I feel as though I have. ‘EX’ –

Cause I ain’t trynna be you’re Ex So don’t call me if you ain’t trynna

vibe on my wave

I’m on top of my game

I’m on my wave, I’m on my wave Yeah! So don’t call me if you ain’t trynna vibe

on my wave

I’m on top of my game


I suppose you all know we live in a generation that is infatuated by red flags but still you don’t feel like leaving that cocoon. You don’t want to spread your wings on some other guy and lighten up their world, but want to stay trapped and try to ‘fix’ them. I am not cut out for this hard work so I don’t think I am part of these persons or maybe I am but have fallen so far, I don’t know where I really am (heeh overthinking is bad).


But still, I have tasted love or maybe what I think love is. Not the biblical agape love but this other one, you know that messy one that TikTok says you have to argue every day to confirm you love each other. You know the one you want to make the other one say they love you first so that you can be the dominant one. Or maybe you don’t and I am here proving how toxic I might be. Well, ‘niliokoka’ so ladies this here is a ‘fixed man’.


Guys, I think I lost track of what I was talking about. Haiya, Nikita – Mimi this girl bugs me. She is the definition of how life is not fair (Well life doesn’t care if it is) but still her voice. I have listened to her songs a couple of times but this one right here had me engulfed from the minute the beat dropped. Inakaa I am advertising her music but hey if you wanted some new Kenyan music then I’d recommend her.


But she talks about the toxic traits that we have as a generation or maybe that’s what I gathered. You know what we do or maybe I am the only one. Treating her like an option ndio it doesn’t seem that you like her that much. Wanting to spend all your time with her lakini you also want to be as far away from her because you know love is a drug and once you get hooked you will need a couple of therapists to untangle whatever is going on in your shattered heart once it ends.


But you just can’t help it. Love or rather this generation’s idea of love is walking chaos (I think I just found my title). We are just a pair of chaotic teens who get their idea of love from social media and novels and once we get to a certain level and we don’t have the know-how to tackle the new challenge we opt to leave and try again with a new player. Seems like a good game where the final boss would be commitment with a dash of faithfulness. (This seems like a good idea, who wants to make a game about broken teens trying to fix each other,) I need to calm down.


What is real love or rather who said love was real? Because I really need answers or something I can compare what I think love is with it. For if we still refer a couple of suicidal kids (Romeo and Juliet) as a definition of love then we have issues as a generation. But hey this is a conversation that’s already been there but I haven’t heard of a solution so, if you have any enlighten yours truly.


Anyways, peace, love, and Nikita’s voice. Goodness, where are talents displayed so that I can choose what I want juu I still don’t know mine na I am seeing some prickly hairs growing on my chin.




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