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Heey, is this a weird way to start? (Thought I’d greet you today). Been a minute since I wrote a piece. I have not been feeling motivated to write lately. Thought I’d have a muse then write a thousand words or pieces but haven’t found one of those. I did decide to binge watch some animes and boy are they many. Became a weeb and every time I think, “you’ve wasted four hours man, I tap myself on the shoulder and say at least I’ve learnt that if I ever give up on my dreams I should just die.” Things went dark there for a moment. But really what comes to mind when you hear the name dream.

I know we all have dreams and we would like to make them realities but at times it seems life is out there to get us and mak
e them fail. I have friends that tend to ask me questions like; what are your plans for the next few years; and boy do I have plans, beautiful ones I might add; BUT then I don’t know how to get there. Well maybe this doesn’t make sense to anyone or maybe it does but I really want to have that future I have scribbled down on my vision board but I sincerely don’t even know how I’ll get there. Okay! Okay! I need money, But how exactly do I get it.

Heard some guy call us the microwave generation on the radio and I was all defensive I could have called the show and ranted about how we all want to make it but don’t have the right tools to do so. Hmmm… back to me though. I have a dream (getting some Dr. Martin Luther Jr. vibes) but am yet to figure out the right path to take for me to get there

This ladies and gentlemen was your boy’s dream; Starting this blog was/is among my dreams and man this is me blaming it on writer’s block for ben inconsistent. I was quite skeptical before starting then I got some encouraging comments and yours truly decided to continue. There were times I contemplated giving up and maybe choosing to do something else first then come back and retry it. I am yet to tell everyone that I started a blog, am afraid of what some of them might say and yes maybe they will get excited about it and want to read all of them but still your boy been bitten once and I sincerely don’t want to feel that way again.

Most of my friends already have something going on for them and there are those times when am vibing to ‘Forever’ by Capaldi and I can’t help but think, “What are you doing with your life my boy?” (Weird song to think such thoughts but still!!!”  Well, the thought of that ‘bright future’ still makes me hopeful and keeps me going but the thought still lingers. God… this feels like too much information…. but I’d like someone out there (if there’s one) to know that they are not alone. I am here with my board and empty wallet to prove it. But that does not mean that we should give up on our DREAMS. You can go and start that poetry page if you want to have one, you can start that YouTube page even if it means you’ll have to borrow a friend their phone, You can decide to start that blog and spill your thoughts BUT DON’T YOU DARE GIVE UP ON IT.

Hey most importantly don’t forget to live today. Cherish every moment you get to live under the sun and welcome wisdom as it comes with age and experience. There will come a time and we will look back at this post and say maybe not all of them worked out but I have these with me.

Finally, don’t forget, peace, love, and watch anime (Ps. Don’t give up on those wild dreams you might be having.)





  1. Don't be afraid to walk through the path that give you peace and fulfilment,after all this is your dream . Chase it πŸ”₯as the Lord leads.
    I am happy for youπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

  2. This is such a motivational pIece. i like the fact that after all said and done ,you still insist that we should Not let go of our dreams ! Even though we don't know how to get there...looking forward to more peices😊

  3. You're doing great... everyone has to start somewhere...
    All the best cant wait to read other pieces 😊

  4. I had to pause first and listen again to the song
    Great piece ✨✨


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