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Well I can’t fully process what I feel as I write this. Am at a state where I have a whole bunch of feelings and I can’t choose if I want to feel them or just block them out. I’ve done this a couple of times and it works but the repercussions are waaay worse. Should I just cry and get it over with, but what if I just want to laugh, or maybe I just want a long hug and get to bond with someone. Being a guy is really stressful. Well I was raised in a society that thinks men that cry are weak. There even a saying, ‘a mans tears go to his stomach’. It doesn’t really make sense but if you’ve been raised in such a place then you’d maybe have a hint of what am saying.

Am currently still listening to sad music trying to make my mood better. I have a smile plastered on my face but my head and heart are whirling in thoughts. I am an overthinker and I have this urge to make wealth and make it as a young guy and maybe speed things up and get married at twenty-three but my society says I have to let life teach me things. That I should wait, go through the trials of life and finally get rich. We all come from different societies and I can’t relate with any of yours until you explain your way of life.

Okay let me explain this way. According to my society; when a young man gets his high school certificate and buys a motorcycle or maybe has a business then he has the right to marry. The certificate means they’ve had some level of education as they can read and write but in another setting that doesn’t really matter. I’ve visited a friend of mine and according to his upbringing, anyone who doesn’t have a PhD is considered a failure. It’s rather funny of the extents we can go to in order to prove to society that we have made it.

We all live in a similar world but a fully differentiated by the different societies we come from. But who really sets these rules that we chose to live by? I am part of society and I don’t believe in its way of things but can I really change it. Well it basically futile to try and change the way people think. Well I’ve been raised in a Christian home and I have to know the bible. Well I wasn’t really a believer until I turned eighteen and I chose to get born again. The bible also has different if not similar aspects of the society I live in.

Okay, there’s a verse in the bible; Proverbs 21:2; and it reads that all men think they are right in all they do but the Lord ponders their hearts. Well, this explains why I think its futile trying to change they way people think. They basically think all they do is right until they are proven wrong by someone else because they chose to understand reason. Or is it really reason; or do they think that because this guy has had a greater level of education or maybe they are wealthier than whatever they say is right. Or maybe am just contradicting myself. This is one of the perks of being an overthinker. There are days it’s amusing just thinking of the many ways something may happen but at times its an infuriating session and I can’t really get rid of it until the actual scenario happens.

As I had said earlier, am yet to find a way of concentrating on one thing. Anyways these are my thoughts on society or is the hearts of men? Well you will all have a different understanding of this once you are done reading.

Well, love, peace and chicken


  1. Why did it end so fast ?😭I honestly had my eyes glued from the first letter to the last . I love it !

  2. At times I get the urge to say YOLO
    But I'm scared of what people might think. I don't wanna fail either in the midst of doing what I want to.. what I feel is right


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