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Dearly Beloved,   Love is awful It’s awful! It’s painful! It’s frightening! Makes you doubt yourself! Judge yourself! Distance yourself from the other people in your life. Makes you selfish. Makes you creepy! Makes you obsessed with your hair! Makes you CRUEL! Makes you say and do things you never thought you would do! It’s all any of us want, and its hell when we get there! So, no wonder... It’s something we don’t want to do on our own. And Love, isn’t something that weak people do. Being a romantic takes a hell of a lot of hope. I think what they mean is, when you find somebody that you love, it feels like hope. So be strong, and take heart all you who hope.   To Love... I can take you back to the first time I had a crush on a lady. She was way older and so light skin and I thought she was white (she wasn’t). Then I was Batman for a night and injured my friend and his sister reprimanded me and God was she beautiful (My second crush). As lif


Dearly Beloved, It has been a while since I wrote to you. I have been everywhere and nowhere at the same time but I still find myself at your shores once more. You are getting prettier as I still steal glances whenever I can. Why do I come back though? Maybe it’s because I have seen life with these other women, and they still cannot fill the void you left. I may be coming off as a simp but again who cares… it is my life and I want to spend it loving you. Hey what's up, it's been a while Talking 'bout it's not my style Thought I'd see what's up While I'm lighting up It's cold-hearted, cold-hearted I wonder what it is that I chase after. Is it the feel of how you loved me or is it the thrill of loving you? You always felt forbidden. Felt like something I should only admire and never touch. But I tasted heaven and gave myself up to the feel of it. I wonder how Adam and Eve felt when they ate that forbidden fruit? Did they hide as they didn’t w


  Hey you, It has been a while. Well, I have been all over and nowhere at the same time. Being a grown-up is hard and tiring. I don’t know how my folks did all this and still had time to argue with me about my ideologies. More grace and love to them. I hope y’all have been tackling life well. Fighting your battles every day and in as much as you may lose some, I hope you also win some. I write because I just watched John Krasinski’s new movie “IF” and am a mess since I teared up and laughed. It was a cute movie. *Spoiler Alert* It has a beautiful ending. It has been a while since I watched a movie with a happy ending. Most if not, all have been ending in suspense then I spend the next few hours coming up with theories and I watch the second part and wonder why they had to make the sequel. But there’s something about this one – IF. “Imaginary Friend” is what IF stands for and as an African child or say a Kenyan one I have never had an imaginary friend. I say this because my imagin


I first met her in photos. She was this cute short girl in a green uniform posing like millennials do, slightly slanted to the side, and a cute smile. You wouldn't tell that she had a tough upbringing and that life had made her tough but still sweet, well she was sweet to me, so still sweet. The second time was when she came home. I was young, angry at the world for giving me a sister who took all the attention from me, and my parents were always running around with her and leaving me home with my friends, and their friends. So, she came home and spent the night. I don't remember a lot happening that day but we were running on the sofas and it brought me joy since I couldn't do it when my mum was around. Then I enjoyed having a sister, I looked forward to the day I would run on those sofas with my sister, and God was it fun. I was slightly older the third time we met and she had her first baby. She was crying outside with her sister as they complained about how life was