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Showing posts from May, 2024


I first met her in photos. She was this cute short girl in a green uniform posing like millennials do, slightly slanted to the side, and a cute smile. You wouldn't tell that she had a tough upbringing and that life had made her tough but still sweet, well she was sweet to me, so still sweet. The second time was when she came home. I was young, angry at the world for giving me a sister who took all the attention from me, and my parents were always running around with her and leaving me home with my friends, and their friends. So, she came home and spent the night. I don't remember a lot happening that day but we were running on the sofas and it brought me joy since I couldn't do it when my mum was around. Then I enjoyed having a sister, I looked forward to the day I would run on those sofas with my sister, and God was it fun. I was slightly older the third time we met and she had her first baby. She was crying outside with her sister as they complained about how life was


Dear Lover,  Oh to love and to be loved. What a fleeting feeling. There's a clip of this guy saying that Romance is like Rizq and not everyone will experience it and I can't help but agree with him. You see, love has always been something everyone sought and wished for but a few get to find it and even fewer get to experience it.  To change who you are to accommodate someone you love is a price most people cannot pay. We are egotistical creatures and our pride cannot let us stop being who we are just so that we can be truly happy. Funny how we are our own limit to the joy and happiness that we so desperately seek.  I believe that love means changing the minute tendencies that we have grown accustomed to and starting new habits that will accommodate those that we love. You see, I seem to enjoy slow music but if my partner, the lady whom I have decided to try love with loves groovy music then I'd have to slowly start listening to the genre.  If we are honest, I might never li


Babycakes, I think I finally met her. Well, she was always in my life but I never really thought of her in that light then I was walking in darkness and she became the light I ran to. I don’t know when I fell for her but I think I always held her to some higher regard compared to other ladies. She, my woman, (I get to say that my woman, my lady) is a ball of energy and I feel loved, accepted, and wanted by her. Everything comes easy with her, well, loving her is easy. Being loved by her feels easy. I am smiling as I write this since I can see her smile while looking at me with her hazel eyes… God her hazel eyes. I wonder if I ever felt seen before I met her. Was I actually seen before her? Maybe yes but I don’t think I care much about the ‘other’ eyes since being seen by these ones has been what I yearn for… Has been what I live for. I am genuinely glad whoever came before me fumbled because he didn’t know what a good thing he had lost. You're the one I love Every second th