Dearly Beloved, I will never be Somebody else’s I will always be Either entirely yours Or completely my own There is nothing else That I will ever find Beyond You and I. ~S.L. Gray~ I Love You! There I said it! It’s finally off my chest. I can now breathe. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest and I can smile again after being anguished by that which I could not admit. I have lied to myself that I don’t but here I am finally falling in truth and it feels good and sad at the same time since I still cannot say it to your face. I have desired to tell you this for a while now and I didn’t know how but I guess this does it. I Love You but You don’t; so, only I remains. It sucks being on this boat again, but I will find my shore once more, hopefully, a little bit faster than the first time. I say you don’t since I am afraid of you saying you do. What would I do with your love? How would I handle it? How would I fill you with love whe...