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Showing posts from July, 2023


  Dearly Beloved, I will never be Somebody else’s I will always be Either entirely yours Or completely my own There is nothing else That I will ever find Beyond You and I. ~S.L. Gray~   I Love You! There I said it! It’s finally off my chest. I can now breathe. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest and I can smile again after being anguished by that which I could not admit. I have lied to myself that I don’t but here I am finally falling in truth and it feels good and sad at the same time since I still cannot say it to your face. I have desired to tell you this for a while now and I didn’t know how but I guess this does it. I Love You but You don’t; so, only I remains. It sucks being on this boat again, but I will find my shore once more, hopefully, a little bit faster than the first time. I say you don’t since I am afraid of you saying you do. What would I do with your love? How would I handle it? How would I fill you with love when I too l


Everything that you love, You will eventually lose, But in the end, Love will return in a different form.                         ~Franz Kafka~ My Darling, Some scholars defined you as, “the state of being away from a place or person”, but I wonder how you can feel too far away when I have you by my side. I am lonely yet not alone and I have you with me but your presence has no meaning. Thomas Haynes Bayly lied when he said that absence makes the heart grow fonder since your absence tears my heart to pieces and I have not the strength to pick them up. I have no desire to rebuild again; I want to wallow in this pain and die in the memory of us. Maybe Thomas Haynes never loved like I do; because where is the good in absence; the state of being away from someone you love. They are there but you cannot reach them and even if you did it wouldn’t be the same. Another did say that we can never find the same person twice, not even in the same person, and clearly, that adds to the