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Showing posts from November, 2021


Time as we know it or maybe we’ve been told a couple of million times is that “Time waits for no man”. But why shouldn’t time wait for me though? Why do I have to figure out everything before a certain time and if I don’t then I’ll spend lots of time in regret. I’ve been told by no one but there’s this constant voice in my head that echoes, “You are not ambitious enough” but what it doesn’t know is that I am planning to be. Ambition is a strong desire to achieve something. So I’d be right to say that I am ambitious to find out what I am truly ambitious about. I don’t know what path to take and it's really messing up with my feelings lately. I know I said that we all have a path to follow and we will get to know it but I still feel as though I need to know it now. Most of my peers seem to have their shit together and here I am writing to my beloved readers hoping one of them will comment on an idea of what I should try. I don’t know how many of us feel this way but them that f


 “You are not where you want to be You feel like you are supposed to be somewhere else” “You said it” “Well, say you could snap your fingers And be wherever you wanted to be I bet you would still feel this way. Not in the right place” “Point is, you cannot get so hung up on where you’d rather be That you forget how to make the most of where you are” “What are you telling me?” “Take a break from worrying about what you cannot control And live a little” Dear Stranger,  Do you ever feel as though you’ve hit a wall and cannot progress? You have this clear picture of who you are supposed to be but you don’t have an idea of how you will get there. You spend time building castles and making promises to yourself that you seem to not meet and now you walk around having broken your own heart with your ambitious expectations. The question is who do you cry to when you break your heart?  Does it ever piss you off how some people seem to have it easy but the truth is you didn’t see them working har


'Cause you're the reason I believe in fate You're my paradise And I'll do anything to be your love, or be your sacrifice 'Cause I love you for infinity   Dear Strangers, “Just because they don’t love you the way you want to be loved doesn’t mean they don’t love you with everything they have” I’ve recently gone through an experience that had me question everything I believed in and stood by but I’m slowly growing my faith and patience back.   Have you ever felt like giving your partner the world but then realized that both of you are from two different worlds. Let me explain it for the guys at the back; I don’t believe in that whole ‘we are alike in so many ways’ crap because the natural way of things is unlike poles attract; so your partner should be nothing like you. And yes I am judging those of you who are similar to their partners because that means you are narcissistic people. We all have different POVs of life and I believe understanding