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Showing posts from January, 2021


Hello You,  Who are you? Who am I? Maybe this is a common case of not knowing my identity yet, but who knows who they are. Aren’t we a construct of other people’s ideas about who we should become? Okay, this is what I mean; When we are born most of our parents or maybe just mine already had a vision about who we will become.  “He will be a doctor or an engineer” , then we grow up and get our interests but still there’s a voice at the back of your heads,  “become what your parents wanted you to be”.  Or am I alone in this?  Yesterday a certain lady asked if I was authentic at all and I came to the conclusion that I am not. There isn’t anything original about me, or maybe there is and I may not have known it. I believe we are a simple case of monkey see monkey do, and sorry if you take any offense in this but it is my opinion. We tend to do or become what we see or are told to do. There is always a higher authority that instructs our reason for doing things. Now, this becomes a con


  Hello, Future Wife, “Autumn leaves, turn to gold We'll tread a path side-by-side And form a link through our hands For I'm yours and you are mine I'll write your name on the bottom of my shoes Just so you know that I'm yours to keep ” I am listening to ‘ Jordan Mackampa’s Yours to Keep’ as I write this piece. My wife; the title itself makes me nervous. Well, this is not a great way to start a letter now is it! I am anxious about this. On days like these when I juggle through social media apps and I happen to land on Instagram and see photos of cute couples, I tend to imagine the same will happen to yours truly over here. I am awfully shy but I happen to have a vibrant face as I have been told a couple of times, and yes it did not make sense to me also. I also overthink and yes I know that this is not healthy but I still don’t know how to stop it. But then this is not about me but about you (my inner me is screaming and tightly hugging a pillow, why do I ha