Dearly Beloved, Greetings, my beloved. It's been a while since we last spoke. Life has been quite a journey for me, and I find myself at your feet once again, ready to stand up and move forward. As you know, we all fall sometimes, but it's how we pick ourselves up that defines us. I hope you've been doing well. The weather's been quite chilly, and the government has finally confirmed that the rains are indeed El Nino. Perhaps one day, I'll have tales to tell my children about this time in our lives. I've been doing a lot of introspection lately, and I'd like to share some of my thoughts with you. A line reads, “You hate meeting new people because you have to talk to them. You have to break the ice. You are socially awkward. Of course, you are; You prefer to stay in your corner and dream your dreams and think your thoughts. You are most comfortable in silence. You lean on it and wonder if you are happy. Sometimes you do that for no reason at al...